When you become BIPA member it will provide you to network, explore, contact, share and express your views and get benefitted to meet other co members coming from BioAgri Inputs industry.
Members are introduced to business prospects who provide business opportunity to fellow members. Collaborative programs on research, manufacturing, scaling the technology will be encouraged. BIPA will play a synergetic role to help members to gain.
Updates through newsletters will be offered of various developments, challenges, opportunities, policies at various national and international levels. Diaries / notes from members who attend various Bio Inputs seminars / conferences / exhibitions will be shared so each BIPA member can exploit the information to suit their strengths.
BIPA will host annual summit to its members. These summits will bring the entire fraternity under one roof to not only update what’s happening latest around the Globe in BioAgri Industry but also collaborate. BIPA summit will also recognize the efforts and successful contribution from the members to the contribution and growth of BioAgri Inputs industry.
BIPA encourages any public or private organisation / individual actively contributing to the development of BioAgri inputs industry to become its members. Biological technology entities engaged in manufacturing, research, academics, consultancy, extension services and marketing that includes but not restricted to bio-pesticides, bio-stimulants, bio-fertilizers, semio-chemicals, environmental management for sustainable agri in India and across the Globe.
“BIPA” will have the following class of members:
BIPA Membership Application form can be filled and submitted online or download the form fill and mail it to ed.bipa@gmail.com.
The Executive Committee will approve / disapprove the BIPA Membership Application form based whether the credentials and eligibility are met